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1. Choose the right hotel. Hotels that cater to business travel have amenities like free Wi-Fi, desk space and printers. Research your hotel ahead of time to make sure it has everything you’ll need.

2. Make a list. You don’t want to get to your meeting only to find you left something important behind. Make a list of everything you’ll need, including devices, chargers, cords, batteries, and peripherals. If you’re travelling internationally make sure you have a power converter.

3. Charge before you go. Make sure all your devices are charged before you leave for your trip. While you’re gone, be sure to recharge everything nightly so you always have enough power.

4.Fly wisely. Make the most of your flight by making sure you have the documents and materials necessary to get some work done while you’re in the air.

5. Use the cloud. Having sensitive documents on your devices can be a major security risk. Before you leave, remove all unnecessary files from your laptop and other devices. Digitize and scan any paper documents, and upload them to the cloud for secure access anywhere in the world.

6. Scan on the go. Paperwork, including receipts, contracts, and business cards, create clutter in your luggage and more work when you get home. Make use of the Xerox Mobile Link App to scan, fax, and store your paperwork while you’re on the road and eliminate the backlog when you get back. The Xerox Web Capture tool can transfer your documents directly to the apps you want.

7. Use mobile printing. Don’t get caught without printer access for last-minute documents. The Xerox Mobile Print Solution can connect you to public printers and transfer your documents securely.

8. Take care of yourself. Travel can really throw off your sleep schedule, and fast food can make the problem worse. Take the time to get plenty of rest and eat balanced meals. Schedule in some time to take in the local sights, swim in the hotel pool, or otherwise relax at the end of the day. Business trips don’t have to slow you down.

With careful planning, you can make the most of your business trip. Want to learn more about staying productive while you’re on the road? Contact hubTGI today!

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